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Two Unstoppable Stocks to Buy and Hold Forever

Not surprisingly, these giants have excellent track records.

There are many advantages to investing for the long term as opposed to trading on a day-to-day basis. It's safe to say that holding a company's stock for a long period of time gives you more peace of mind, some tax benefits, and allows compound interest to work its magic. But which companies are worth investing in for the long term?

There are as many candidates in the market as there are stocks. Most companies would have investors believe that they are excellent long-term investments. Obviously, this is not always the case, but let's take a look at two solid "permanent" investment companies that will make you sleep well at night:UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH)respond in singingBerkshire HathawayCompany (New York Stock Exchange Stock Symbol)(BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.).

1. UnitedHealth Group

The Allied Health Group is a leading healthcare company offering a wide range of services. Its subsidiary, Optum, provides primary and specialty care solutions for patients, data and analytics services for third-party payers (including government payers), hospital systems, life science companies, and pharmacy care services. Allied Health Group is also a leading provider of insurance.

The company serves virtually all stakeholders in the healthcare industry, some of whom use the company's products to improve their businesses and provide better outcomes for patients. While the healthcare industry will certainly change and evolve, it is difficult to see how all or even most of the solutions offered by the HealTH Group will be completely obsolete.

UnitedHealth Group's financial performance is massively robust. Last year, its revenues grew by a healthy 151 TP3T year-over-year to $371.6 billion. Adjusted EPS was $25.12, an increase of about $13%, but why do you think Media Health Group can continue to do so? Here's an important reason: the company's vertical郃 business and its vast network of doctors, patients, and other types of organizations that use its services give it a solid competitive advantage.

Its brand name has become associated with excellence in critical healthcare services. This is partly why UnitedHealth Group will have a 15% share of the US insurance market by 2023. However, its Optum business has been the bigger growth driver. Last year, Optum's turnover reached US$226.6 billion, an increase of 24% from the previous year, and both business units are poised to benefit from an important long-term trend: the aging of the world's population and the growing demand for the services they provide.

That's why the company hasn't reached its ceiling yet, far from it. Long-term investors will benefit from including the company's shares in their portfolio.

2. Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

Berkshire Hathaway is arguably the ultimate forever stock for at least two reasons. First, it's a huge multinational conglomerate made up of many small businesses in a variety of industries. It owns a number of well-known brands, including insurance giant GEICO, kitchenware company Pampered Chef, and apparel company Fruit of the Loom, to name a few.

Berkshire Hathaway's business is extremely diverse and continues to perform well regardless of economic conditions. This is an important competitive advantage.

Secondly, Berkshire Hathaway is led by one of the greatest investors of all time, Warren Buffett himself. This "Oracle of Omaha" is known for his long-term investments. This is how he built his business and made it successful over the long term. Berkshire Hathaway has delivered market beating returns for its long term shareholders. Some might point out that Warren Buffett is not a happy man. Warren Buffett is in his nineties.

The recent death of Charlie Munger, the second-in-command of the conglomerate and a longtime friend of Warren Buffett's, may have gotten some investors' attention. However, Buffett and Munger spent a long time creating not only a business, but a culture that should outlive them. Buffett's replacement at the helm of Berkshire Hathaway is Gregory Abel, vice chairman of the company's non-insurance business.


A prudent man like Warren Buffett would not have chosen a random person to succeed him at the helm of his company, and Abel inherited a well-oiled and powerful machine. The future of Berkshire Hathaway is bright. With a market capitalization of $885 billion, it would become a trillion-dollar stock in a year or two. Beyond that, resonance Hathaway is poised for long-term growth.

Should you invest $1,000 in Bria Health Group now?

Please consider the following before purchasing shares of UnitedHealth Group:

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*Stock Advisor's Report as of April 8, 2024

Prosper Junior Bakiny does not own any of the stocks mentioned above.The Motley Fool Position Recommends Berkshire Hathaway.The Motley Fool Recommends UnitedHealth Group.The Motley Fool The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

Two Unstoppable Stocks to Buy and Hold Forever was originally published by The Motley Fool.

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