Why PVH Stock Tumbled This Week - Apple Latest
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Why PVH Stock Tumbled This Week

Several analysts quickly lowered their price targets for the company following the earnings release.

As the vast majority of stocks are traded more for potential than for tracking performance.PVH (NYSE: PVH)The company's stock has been on a downward spiral over the past few days. The company's fourth-quarter performance was stellar, but bottom-line guidance was less than stellar.

What followed was a wave of analysts downgrading their target prices. As a result, the company's shares were down nearly 24% in a week through Thursday night, according to data compiled by S&P Global Market Intelligence.

Double-digit Q4 results, but weak guidance

On Tuesday morning, PVH released its Q4 financial results, but it probably wishes it hadn't. Revenue was down slightly year-over-year (just under $2.5B). However, non-GAAP (adjusted) net income rose 47% to just over $222M, or $3.72 per share.

These figures exceeded analysts' consensus estimates of $2.42 billion and $3.52, respectively. So far, so good.

However, PVH's guidance was lower than expected, and Koon expects full-year revenue to fall 6% to 7% year-on-year. Koon expects the full year revenue to drop by 6% to 7% year-on-year, and in terms of profitability, Koon believes the EPS will be between US$10.75 and US$11.

Analysts Quickly Cut Price Targets

Investors are not happy with this sentiment, which has been exacerbated by a series of analyst downgrades. Several of them came from influential researchers. For exampleBank of America) analyst resonance Christopher Nardone lowered his price target from $34 per share to a new level of $122.

Should you invest $1,000 in PVH now?

Before buying PVH stock, consider the following:

Motley Fool Stock AdvisorA team of analysts have just named what they think are the best values for investors.10Only ...... and not PVH. The 10 stocks that made the list could generate huge returns in the coming years.


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Bank of America is an advertising郃 partner of The Ascent, a Motley Fool company. eric Volkman does not hold any of the above shares. the Motley Fool holds a recommendation for Bank of America. the Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

Why did PVH stock plummet this week?

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